Unspoken Ghostwriter Roles Impacting Leadership Book Narratives.
By Jeffrey Mangus |
Unspoken Ghostwriter Roles Impacting Leadership Book Narratives. By Jeffrey A. Mangus As a nine-year veteran ghostwriter, I see every day ...
Fear is the Price of Progress: A Leadership Paradox
By Jeffrey Mangus |
Fear is the Price of Progress: A Leadership Paradox By Jeffrey A. Mangus “Do the thing you fear to do ...
How to End the Toxicity of Disengaged Leadership through SPARK
By Jeffrey Mangus |
How to End the Toxicity of Disengaged Leadership through SPARK By Jeffrey A. Mangus “Leadership is not about titles, positions, ...
Growing a Strategic CEO Brand
By Jeffrey Mangus |
By Jeffrey A. Mangus In 1996, I worked at a large corporate healthcare organization, and one afternoon, we were all ...
Seven Strategic Steps to Hire and Collaborate with a Ghostwriter
By Jeffrey Mangus |
I speak to many aspiring authors, and often, I see that most don’t have a direction or plan for their ...
Experience a “Second Chance” Working with a Ghostwriter on Your Memoir
By Jeffrey Mangus |
From the office of Jeffrey A. Mangus, Professional Ghostwriter “Memoir writing: cut deep until your blood gushes out. The writing ...
Why Leaders Should Write Your Business Memoir
By Jeffrey Mangus |
Why Leaders Should Write Your Business Memoir By Jeffrey A. Mangus/ CEO Jeffreymangus.com Ghostwriting USA One afternoon, I met with ...
A Business Memoir-The Blowhole Effect
By Jeffrey Mangus |
There is a tourist mecca in Mexico called La Bufadora. It is the world's biggest blowhole geyser, where the tide ...
Why Work with a Business Memoir Ghostwriter
By Jeffrey Mangus |
Why Work with a Business Memoir Ghostwriter By Jeffrey A. Mangus/CEO Jeffreymangus.com Ghostwriting USA As a leader, have you given ...
Book Doctoring
By Jeffrey Mangus |
Jeffrey is a manuscript book doctoring specialist. If you have a manuscript that needs that professional touch and you sense ...