
Unspoken Ghostwriter Roles Impacting Leadership Book Narratives.

Unspoken Ghostwriter Roles Impacting Leadership Book Narratives. By Jeffrey A. Mangus As a nine-year veteran ghostwriter, I see every day ...

Fear is the Price of Progress: A Leadership Paradox

Fear is the Price of Progress: A Leadership Paradox By Jeffrey A. Mangus “Do the thing you fear to do ...

How to End the Toxicity of Disengaged Leadership through SPARK

How to End the Toxicity of Disengaged Leadership through SPARK By Jeffrey A. Mangus “Leadership is not about titles, positions, ...

Growing a Strategic CEO Brand

By Jeffrey A. Mangus In 1996, I worked at a large corporate healthcare organization, and one afternoon, we were all ...

Seven Strategic Steps to Hire and Collaborate with a Ghostwriter

I speak to many aspiring authors, and often, I see that most don’t have a direction or plan for their ...

Experience a “Second Chance” Working with a Ghostwriter on Your Memoir

From the office of Jeffrey A. Mangus, Professional Ghostwriter “Memoir writing: cut deep until your blood gushes out. The writing ...

Why Leaders Should Write Your Business Memoir

Why Leaders Should Write Your Business Memoir By Jeffrey A. Mangus/ CEO Jeffreymangus.com Ghostwriting USA One afternoon, I met with ...

A Business Memoir-The Blowhole Effect

There is a tourist mecca in Mexico called La Bufadora. It is the world's biggest blowhole geyser, where the tide ...

Why Work with a Business Memoir Ghostwriter

Why Work with a Business Memoir Ghostwriter By Jeffrey A. Mangus/CEO Jeffreymangus.com Ghostwriting USA As a leader, have you given ...

Book Doctoring

Jeffrey is a manuscript book doctoring specialist. If you have a manuscript that needs that professional touch and you sense ...