Understanding the “Lightning Strike” in a Memoir

Finding Self-Awareness, Clarity, and the Epiphany through the writing of a memoir From the desk of Jeffrey A. Mangus-professional ghostwriter ...

What’s Really Inside a Business Leader’s Memoir

“Memoir writing: cut deep until your blood gushes out. The writing must be that honest.” ― Cathryn Vogeley, I Need to Tell ...

Navigating the Author and Ghostwriter Process-Avoiding “Author Shock”

By Jeffrey A. Mangus What is your process? Can you tell me how it all works? When we meet, these ...

What to Look for During and After Writing Your Business Memoir

What to Look for During and After Writing Your Business Memoir By Jeffrey A. Mangus The author and I both ...

The Science of Working with a Ghostwriter

The Science of Working with a Ghostwriter By Jeffrey A. Mangus             Racing in NASCAR is a dangerous job. One ...

How can a Busy Business Leader Write their Memoir with a Ghostwriter and Stick to their Schedule?

How can a Busy Business Leader Write their Memoir with a Ghostwriter and Stick to their Schedule? March/2024-Jeffrey A. Mangus ...

Why Write a Business Memoir with a Ghostwriter

Why Write a Business Memoir with a Ghostwriter Jeffrey A Mangus/CEO Ghostwriting USA The Academy of Ghostwriting After ghostwriting ...

What Can a Leader Expect from Writing a Business Memoir with a Ghostwriter?

What Can a Leader Expect from Writing a Business Memoir with a Ghostwriter? Jeffrey A. Mangus, CEO/Authority Business Memoir Ghostwriter ...

Writing a Business Memoir: Knowing Your Core Message

As a professional ghostwriter, I have written over thirty books and have enjoyed every one of them, getting to know ...

Ghost or No Ghost-Is Ethics the Question?

By Jeffrey A. Mangus You have a story to tell and a dream of inviting the world into your life, ...