5 time Award Winning
Best Selling Book
Author / Ghostwriter

My journey toward writing books for a living began at six-years old when I first saw a toy guitar. Yes, a guitar. I was fascinated, and when I held the toy guitar, it was magical. Even at that ripe age, I knew playing guitar was the thing I wanted to do. That love of guitar has transpired throughout my life as I took that passion and pursued a career as a professional musician.
I attended college and studied music and education, but I was approached to play in a rock band. Once I hit the stage, the rush, the energy, and the girls, I knew what I wanted to do with my life once that bug was planted. I followed that dream and toured the country for many years until finally landing in Hollywood, California, to play on the Sunset strip. I was only 23 when I hit Sunset Blvd., full of spitfire and vinegar, and within six months, I led my band to be voted one of the top five bands in Southern California. We played in front of every record company in the industry with major interest yet were not offered a record contract. I have no regrets as I stood on the world’s most famous stages and gave it my all, and left everything on the table. As a young man, it was an amazing journey and my first time meeting celebrities and stars. I witnessed Ozzy Osbourne five feet away pissing in a bush, to running smack dab into Porno star Ron Jeremy in front of the Whisky go-go in Hollywood.
But I bet you are wondering how I went from rock musician to ghostwriter?
Being a guitarist and songwriter, I have always nurtured my creativity by writing songs and words. I have always had an innate skill in writing words and telling stories, and after my five-year stint in Hollywood, I started a business creating and selling children’s lullaby tapes. The business was phenomenal, and demand was going crazy, so I created a lullaby tape to tell stories narrated over soft music. I wrote my first children’s story, and it came out fantastic on tape.
The seed was planted.
I started writing books for children and attended the Institute of Children’s Literature, where I sold my first children’s s magazine article, Bolts from The Blue. That story won an award for children’s non-fiction and was picked up and included in a national educational CD-ROM titled Discovery. This gave me the encouragement and inspiration to write. My aspiration as a musician blossomed into being a full-time writer. I started writing picture books and pitching to companies. To make ends meet, I worked in Cardiovascular surgery and then had a lucrative 14- year career in real estate, all the while writing books and stories.
In 2017, after major amputation surgeries, surviving sepsis, I lost my left leg below the knee. And it was in those harrowing moments where I followed my heart and define my life’s journey once and for all.
That passion was writing.
I jumped in headfirst and started copywriting for different marketing agencies across the United States. I got my feet wet on writing in someone else’s voice, and everyone seemed elated by my newfound skills. A good friend approached me about writing a book for him, and I accepted, which was the pivotal moment of my life. I wrote a stunning book proposal and sold the book to Harper Collins, and the rest is history.
I love the eighties era and anything that has to do with the 1980s, movies, music, and stories. I’m the guy who still listens to Led Zeppelin, Cream, and then jumps to Judas Priest, Winger, Ratt, Al Di Meola, and Stevie Ray Vaughan. I’m that guy who loves it all. I love playing my guitar and still do every single day. I am working on some major book projects and currently working on an incredible project that could be made into a television series.
This is a brief story of my life and how I arrived at writing books for others. I have written a few books for myself and enjoy them immensely, but I love writing the stories of others the most. Writing about the lives of others gives me a front-row seat to live vicariously and endure the author’s pains, agony, despair, dreams, and the triumphs in my book that is an honor and genuine privilege.
My Ghost Approach
My ghost approach is simple but effective… I listen to you. I actually listen, take notes, research, and write the best book for you by telling your story.
Your story can make you a lot of money. But, it won’t if it is NOT WRITTEN. Plus, even if it gets written you do not want your book to be a gigantic BORE! Boring does not get read.
This is where I come into the picture. I am experienced and have that magical ability to write in your voice, your tone, and tell YOUR STORY the way it needs to be told!

My Quick Story
I have been writing for business for over 25+ years with hundreds of e-books, blogs, webpages, and Social Media Ads ghostwritten by me all over the world. I have three books to my own credit and excel in the following industries but not limited to.
- Real Estate
- Prosthetic
- Music Industry
- Real Estate
- Prosthetic
- Music Industry
Every business needs a book. Every small business owner needs to tell their company story to generate leads, increase brand awareness, and increase profits. It really is that simple. I am the ghostwriter who can help you accomplish what it is you set out to do.
Being open and transparent. I am not cheap. Cheap can save you money of course but in the long run, getting quality writing and a real experienced professional will make you shine with less stress, headaches and avoid drastic costly mistakes.
My Ghostwriting Skills
- Excellent ability in capturing voice, tone, and style of the author
- Excellent skill in shaping and molding existing manuscript material into saleable, marketable, and readable books/eBooks.
- Skilled in researching and thorough organization of any and all information from the author.
- Completely devoted to excellent work and TOP priority is given to dedication to author/client satisfaction
- Highly creative with proven brainstorming capabilities in developing book marketing plans steered to lead business owners to great success with their books and endeavors.
- Strong know-how in ghostwriting, and the process to deliver a market–quality book
- Highly resourceful editing and copy-editing skills

Additional Benefits to Having Me as Your Ghostwriter
- I love being a ghostwriter that remains behind the scenes and making you shine.
- I keep clients’ confidentiality to the utmost extreme. Your book is yours and ONLY YOURS. No one in the world will ever know that I wrote the book for you.
- I give you and make sure you get the glory. I’m glad to stay quiet, write and show the world your specialties in your voice, your style your way.
Nonfiction Works
Jeffrey's focus is on ghostwritten works in nonfiction categories and genres, including:
- Sales/Business
- Self Help
- Inspirational
- Motivational
- Music
- Memoirs
- Autobiographies
- Personal Tragedy
- True Crime Nonfiction
- Religious
- Children’s Picture Books
- Sales/Business
- Self Help
- Inspirational
- Motivational
- Music
- Memoirs
- Autobiographies
- Personal Tragedy
- True Crime Nonfiction
- Religious
- Children’s Picture Books
Ghostwritten Books
I have ghostwritten hundreds of books, e-books, blogs, and web pages for some of the largest companies and entities in the nation.
I have written Books for some BIG-FIVE Publishers including:
- Harper Collins
- Harper Collins Business
- Rowman & Littlefield
- Audible
- HighBridge Audio.