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Why Leaders Should Write Your Business Memoir
Why Leaders Should Write Your Business Memoir
By Jeffrey A. Mangus/ CEO
Ghostwriting USA
One afternoon, I met with a new author about her new book, and as the conversation went on, she admitted she wasn’t sure she could face reliving the challenges and adversity she had experienced before her success. The reason it resonated with me is that when I lost my left leg below the knee and started writing a book, reliving the experience was even more impactful the second time. It was a struggle to write it, recreate the experience and trauma, bringing it to the page. But I fought through the emotional pain, all in the name of being honest, transparent, and, most of all…authentic. It was the only way I knew how, but I knew I would have to overcome some difficulty and pain to bring the message to help others.
Most leaders face countless challenges on their journey to the top. Many have to make tough decisions and weather storms to beat the odds. You have been through the most challenging times as a leader, and writing your business memoir gives you a rare chance to share your story to help others overcome the difficulties as they climb the business ladder. Your unique story is the key to expressing your authenticity. Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, dare to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” He was right. By writing a business memoir with a skilled ghostwriter, you can tap into your inner voice and explore important aspects of your life to help others avoid the same fate.
Yet, here is where it gets tricky.
The hard part is reliving what you went through to help others bypass those challenges to reach their success. While failure and setbacks are where we learn lessons and grow, it is noble to help others, and shedding light in your business memoir can help others see the challenges ahead. In today’s business world, authenticity is critical, and in the age of artificial intelligence and the turmoil of our surroundings, readers crave transparency and authentic connections. Sharing your story in your own words gives readers a real-world glimpse into your values, motivations, and struggles.
I’ve found by ghostwriting for many of the world’s leaders that most know who they are and understand the importance of going much further than their ordinary life stories. Instead, they dive deep into what they have been through, embracing their true self, ethical values, and weaknesses while using their strengths to their advantage without worrying or fearing what others think. Throughout the writing process, authentic leaders acknowledge fears and what they did wrong and learn how to talk about it freely and honestly. This takes guts. As a professional ghostwriter, I am empathic and understand how hard it is. My job is to be the sounding board, helping each author bravely overcome their fears and setbacks and putting them on the written page.
As leadership expert Jim Collins notes, “Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.” Writing a business memoir allows you to take care of your audience by sharing your wisdom and experience, showing up as your authentic self, flaws, and all. This display of vulnerability connects with readers on a deeper level.
To accomplish this, a skilled business memoir ghostwriter knows how to ask the right questions to explore those on deeper levels further, bringing things you never knew you had or things you forgot that need to be shared. As a business memoir ghostwriter, I’ve found that there isn’t any linear path to success for any leader. Every leader experiences unexpected setbacks and struggles as a natural part of the process of climbing the business ladder. Ultimately, when writing, you will walk back through the adversity you faced, show how you overcame obstacles, and ultimately achieve success. Doing so can inspire future generations, influencing how businesses are run for years to come. Writing your business memoir will impact those following in your footsteps. Working with a business memoir ghostwriter, you can take risks, dream big, and leave a mark on the world that will endure for generations to come.
If you have a burning book idea and want to let your authentic voice shine, get in touch with me at, and let’s get going. I’d love to learn how to help because the world is waiting to hear it.